The Proper Way to Test Laser Jammers!!
Jan 09, 2007 – NIWOT, CO –
There are a number of laser jammer companies around the world; and lately, it seems like everybody is trying to copy Blinder products. During 2004 to 2006, there were 4 to 5 companies in the USA offering duplicates of the Blinder M10, all made in Korea. None of the “Want to Be” products were worth a crap, and have basically disappeared. The products that were trying to compete with Blinder were for lack of a better word pathetic. Anti-Laser of Croatia came out a few years ago; but it seems the company has fractured into two or three companies, competing with each other. That is not a good sign of company management. There is now an Anti-Laser in Croatia, Star Laser in London, and possibly a 3rd knockoff in the USA, Laser Interceptor. Are there patent infringments? I have seen no legal action by Blinder International. Of all these laser jammers, the Laser Interceptor appears to be the most effective laser jammer in the world, and doubles as a Collision Avoidance tool. There are several reasons I am writing this article.1) While attending SML 2006, Lidatek and Blinder were testing products. Blinder has two products, Blinder M25 and M45 Laser Jammer, where the M25 is the basic (front protection only) product and the M45 is the expanded (front and rear protection) product. Lidatek has two similar products, LE30 Single for front protection, and the LE30 Dual for front and rear protection. Lidatek installed an LE30 Dual, but put both laser modules in front for better performance, which was mis-leading. The test proceeded, even after objections by Blinder. For continuity, SML should have had the LE30 installed as it should have been, 1 module front and 1 module rear, as the Dual LE30 is featured for front and rear laser jamming. 2) During SML 2004, I was observing laser jamming test performance through an infrared camera, which is used to detect the invisible laser response of the jammer, when detecting the laser gun beam. One company test vehicle had very strange infrared results during the SML Laser Jammer test of their product. The company was called to task, admitted they were using additional protection and was asked to remove the material. 3) I have read test reports, where only one company attended a private test, and the product manufacturer used the test results to say their product was the best according to the test agency’s report. 4) Lastly, when a product is tested for industry position, then it should be a production product, fresh out of a production box; and should not be a special product tuned specifically to get better test results than normal. We have two problems in today’s world of product offerings and market tests. A) Product Manufactures use words on their products that lead the customer into thinking the product can do everything claimed. Many claims on products produced around the world today are mis-leading! The marketing people think they can say anything, which is poor business ethics and morals. B) Many performance tests are thorough, but do not include the proper test parameters to determine the true performance of that product. This produces mis-leading results in some cases, and cause customers to choose products, they may not have purchased if the products were tested to cover all the important points. We want to focus on Laser Jammers and describe how Laser Jammers should be tested for performance. There are three companies that perform tests today. The most recognized is Speed Measurement Labs, along Our company, Tiger Lily Products, also tests products and we work with Speed Measurement Labs each year in support of SML and to analyze the products tested. SML is the most recognized test agency around the world. Carl Fors uses methodical testing practices to test radar detectors. But Laser Jammers are different from radar detectors and have different measures of performance. Laser Jammers are designed to blank the display of laser guns. There are 8 measurements that should be taken to evaluate the performance of any laser jammer, as listed below.1) Maximum Jamming Distance 2) Jam to Gun Performance (front and rear) 3) Punch Through Performance (front and rear) 4) Does it Leave Jamming Codes? 5) Does it Alert to False Noise 6) Installation Method Effects to Performance 7) Interface (how the customer controls the jammer) 8) Additional Features Cost is important, but not a measure of performance. e are going to analyze the observed performance of a series of laser jammers from data we have collected from Blinder, Speed Measurement Labs, Guys of Lidar. This is done using a spreadsheet, attached as images located at the bottom right. We also describe these situations to you graphically to the right. When we test laser jammers in the future, we will test for the above 8 criteria, and we will push SML, Guysof Lidar and to do the same. If you are going to buy products based on performance, then the products should be tested out of a production box and tested to the 8 points above. That is what our company is about, High Performance! Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectors, laser jammer, radar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand. |
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