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Laser Interceptor laser jammer

Dec 14, 2007 – NIWOT, CO –

This is a breakdown of the Laser Interceptor laser jamming performance results from Guys of Lidar laser jammer test in April 2007.
This is a breakdown of the Anti-Laser AL8 laser jamming performance results from Guys of Lidar laser jammer test in April 2007. The AL8 is a copy of the Laser Interceptor.
This is a breakdown of the Blinder M40 laser jamming performance results from Guys of Lidar laser jammer test in April 2007. The Blinder M40 has been tested by speed Measurement Labs since 1999, and has consistently tested #1 in laser jamming performance. M40 (4 laser modules) and the M20 (2 laser jammer modules) have been replaced in 2007 by the M45 and M25 laser jammers, which now proves better than the Anti-Laser tested above.
This is a breakdown of the Laser Pro Park laser jamming performance results from Guys of Lidar laser jammer test in April 2007. Laser Pro Park is another copy of the Laser Interceptor, as was the Laser Defender, which did not test well at the GOL laser jammer test. The Laser Pro Park scored 4th in performance behind the Laser Interceptor and Blinder M40 laser jammers.
This is a breakdown of the Passport ZR3 Laser Shifter, laser jamming performance results from Guys of Lidar laser jammer test in April 2007.
LI-4 Laser Interceptor laser jammer and the new LI-4 Quad HP provide 4 laser jammer modules for the larger pickup trucks and large SUVs such as Ford Excursion, Chevy Suburban, Hummer H2, Hummer H1, two front and two rear laser modules.
Li-2 Laser Interceptor laser jammer and the new LI02 Dual HP laser jammer provide 2 laser jammer modules for smaller passenger vehicles and motorcycles, one front and one rear laser module.
This is what a good laser jammer prevents!
Laser Interceptor interface module uses standard telephone jacks for plug and play connections.

The Laser Interceptor laser jammer was evaluated when I travelled to Munich, Germany in October 2007 to meet with Ivan Rukavina, President of Laser Interceptor to evaluate the new Laser Interceptor laser jammer, which is offered as an LI DUAL laser jammer with two laser modules, and the LI QUAD HP laser jammer, which provides 4 laser jammer modules and even more power. The High power version comes in two modles LI HP and LI HP with 2 solid state laser (SSL) laser jammer modules. The unique feature is that the Li-2 and Li-4 operate as a laser jammer or a Park Assist feature.

During 2007, a group of testers, Guys of Lidar, got together and tested a number laser jammers available in 2007. Guys of Lidar tested Laser Interceptor, Blinder M45, Laser Pro Park, Anti-Laser to name a few of the competitors. The test was conducted only to see who was best at jammin.

As a follow up in 2008, Guys of Lidar tested products again primarily focusing on Laser Interceptor and Blinder, as these two products are essentially the two laser jammers that are worth purchasing.

As with all laser jammers, the laser modules must be installed in the front grille of your vehicle and rear license plate to defeat laser guns, front and rear, used today. The LI Dual offers two laser diode jammers.

The Laser Interceptor provides three functions:

1) Laser Jamming;

2) Laser Self Test;

3) Parking Collision Avoidance

Laser Interceptor provides a smaller laser jammer module. The sensor circuit has a special infrared lens that focuses LIDAR laser light onto the detection and amplification circuit; and passes impulses emitted by a Laser Gun, thus false alerts from sunlight and reflections are minimized. The main component of the transmitter is a solid state, laser diode, found in LIDAR and military ranging devices. Voice Alerts are standard. And you can tailor the voice alerts with a variety of software audio files. Use the Anti-Collision Mode on the Highway and the Laser Protection Mode off-road. Yea, right!

The Cockpit Interface Module includes an audio alert, microprocessor circuit, power switch and fuse. The Power Switch acts as a 2 way switch to switch modes from laser jamming and Parking assistant/laser test mode. The interface module also incorporates an RS232 connector, allowing the user to connect the interface to your computer, connect to an upgrade link, and upgrade the microprocessor to the latest jamming capabilities.

When detecting a laser signal, the Laser Gun Display goes blank when receiving the Li-4 jamming signal. No speed is detected, giving you time to safely adjust your speed, and there are no jamming codes indicated by the laser gun. The Li-4 Laser Module is mounted vertically or horizontally in the front grille, depending on the grille design; and vertically on the rear license plate to take up the least amount of space. It is water proof, highly resistant to false alerts from sunlight, light reflections, rain, salt and extreme temperatures. The interface and power switch are located in the cockpit. The LI Quad Laser Jammer provides superb protection against all laser guns, front and rear. And the LI Quad HP increases laser jamming power with stunning results.And the Laser Interceptor does not introduce “LASER JAM” codes to the laser gun, thus the laser gun does not know it is being jammed.

Guys of Lidar, GOL, have tested the Laser Interceptor in 2007 and concluded the Laser Interceptor was #1 in test for 2007. The Blinder M45 and Laser Pro Park was tested as well. But Laser ProPark seems to be fading in sales, so it would seem the only two really good laser jammers on the market today are the Laser Interceptor and Blinder M45 laser jammers.

Product Reliability or failure rates are not usually discussed during these tests. Our selling history of Blinder would indicate a failure rate of 1% to 2%, which is industry standard. Blinder supports warranty very well, so is not an issue. We do not have Product Reliability and failure rates for Laser Interceptor, other than hearsay.

Applied Technologies analysis of Guys of Lidar laser tests in 2007 would indicate the Laser Interceptor provided the best laser jamming performance in 2007. The Laser Interceptor and Blinder M45 are equal in performance for 2009.

Bel STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control, Europe and USA

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB PhotoBlocker, Europe and USA

Update in 2014: LI Interceptor and Blinder HP905 are the two most well known laser jammers, and Laser Interceptor seems to have a better WEB update of the latest laser gun codes for laser guns used around the world. However, LI is harder to install. More recently, ShifterPro, an Escort radar laser shifter, licensed the rights to produce the ShifterPro using the LI technology. Blinder is still the leader in the laser jammer technology.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.


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