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Jun 27, 2005 – NIWOT, CO –

Stalker Ka 34.7GHz radar gun installed onto dash of Police Interceptor.
This guy, Dave Adams, is about 200 years old, but he knows more about laser and infrared than most people. He is the guy who ensures each test is not faked in any way.
Jamie Whisner, standing between two Texas Sherrifs, who support annual tests. You can tell she is not quite sure what thay are thinking about her with our Radar Jammer shirts.
Laser Atlanta laser gun can be used in normal mode and Stealth mode. The Blinder HP905 Quad and HP905 Triple can jam this gun in either mode of operation.
There are a number of experienced Police Officers who participate with SML and when Applied Technologies tests our Laser Jammers and Photo Jammers, it blows their minds to see how well we can defeat their laser guns and cameras.

Applied Technologies (AT) contributes a considerable amount of time testing products, anlyzing test data and writing performance results on products. We do it differently than Speed Measurement Labs, which does not compare products, but simply tests the products and provides the test results to the person paying for the test, typically the manufacturer.

In order for AT to know which product is rated #1 and #2, we have to be at the tests, and take data on each product pass. When a radar detector is tested, what is it that makes it the best?

1) It has to be able to provide maximum or near maximum Ka detection distance of 11 miles. If less than 10.5 miles, its not worth a 4.5 or 5 star rating. This test is easily completed by finding a flat straight road of atleast 12-14 miles distance and measuring the first consistent Ka alert from the radar gun. It is measured by the number of bars (strength of signal detected) displayed.

2) It has to provide at a minimum of X, K, Ka and POP3 radar detection. If it additionally adds Ku and Euro, narrow band Ka, it is a good feature. If Ka detection distance is good, then Euro Ka is usually equal to or close to the normal Ka distance performance. Ku is usually a weak spot on most radar detectors, so we like to compare the real Ku performance to the specs. We usually find the spec is not as good as the actual performance on some radar detectors.

3) The Feature Selection must be able to easily turn on/ turn off the desired features for your operation; such as X off, POP3 on, Euro Ka on, etc. Bel and Escort understands “User Friendly” feature selection and the RX65, STi DRIVER, Escort 8500 X50 are truly easy to select desired features. Valentine One needs to pay more attention to this.

4) False Noise alerts must be minimal on X, K, Ka and POP3, additionally Ku and narrow band Euroe Ka. False Noise Alerts are spurious radar signals, which cause an alert, when no police radar is near the driver. False alerts constantly cause a driver to question whether the radar detector is alerting to true radar signals.

5) “Over the Hill” detection needs to show superior performance, as measured with how many alert bars (strength of signal) displayed when detecting the radar signal over the hill, or around a blind curve.

Notice that AT has mentioned nothing here about laser. Using a radar detector in the windshield to detect the small laser beams pointed at your grille, is like using an old VW Bug to race the Lemans race. It is a waste of time. Even if the radar detector was able to detect a narrow laser beam, since the laser is a pointing device, if your radar detector did detect a small laser beam on the grille or the windshield, it is only telling you that the laser gun; i.e the police, already have your speed. Detecting laser is not an advantage. Jamming the laser gun, causing the display to go blank while you adjust your speed, is the only way to defend against a laser gun

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.



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