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This is for DC who tested a Valentine1 in France

Mar 19, 2008 – NIWOT, CO –

Audi S8 is a V10 mean machine with all wheel drive and a bitchin engine.
Yes, 273 KPH. The RPMs are running good. When this vehicle accelerates, it has that very powerful, thumping sound from the engine. DC hit 288 KPH later on, or 178.5 mph.

How many of youse guys have had the chance to GET IT ON by driving your baby on the Autobahn at the fastest speeds your sports car can go? I know there are lot of you out there who dream of it!!!!

DC is THE MAN in Paris. I can’t give you his full name since the Gendarmes would put his butt in jail, if they seen this guy driving. 288 Klicks, which is about 178.5MPH. The roads are quite good on the toll roads in France, and equally good in Germany, which is where the notorious Autobahn is located. Not so good in Italy. But who cares, when you drive a Sweet vehicle like the Audi S8, V10 Quattro. It handles absolutely fine, accelerates like a woman in heat and looks equally as good. Hey, I am still young enough to think that way.

I am afraid there is nothing in the USA like this S8 Audi Quattro. There is a shop up in Bavaria (central Germany), that you can drive to and buy a new chip which removes the top limited speed of 250KPH, letting you top end the V10 to the max. If any of you guys drive an S8 is the USA, give me a call (1-720-635-3931) and I will give you details on how to contact this shop. BMW may have the only thing close to this beast, but my heart goes for the Audi S8. DC loves this vehicle and gets a new Audi extreme every 2-3 years.

I go over to Europe once or twice a year to do semiconductor work. Some of the other guys in our radar detector business talk about being former police and such, but I get to work with the electronics of these devices, so I have an advantage at understanding what the radar and laser is really about. Osram is a laser diode manufacture in Germany, ST is a semiconductor chip manufacturer in Italy, and so I have one of those lucky jobs where I get to travel to these electronic’s companies and discuss the IC chip and laser business. And there is this crazy dude who I have worked with for about 10 years, and he chauffeurs me around to the different companies, so he and I can talk to these people and sell semiconductor tools. But DC is no normal kind of guy. He is superb in sales, which is why I do business with him, and he is also a superb driver. Fast to him is 265 KPH or more. Slow is 150, so don’t be in the left lane when DC comes to town.

When I visited DC this year, he did not have any countermeasures hooked up, and we actually got hit with a pair of those laser binoculars doing 140KPH in a 110KPH slow zone. I am telling you, for me that was embarrassing. Here I am, the Countermeasures Expert, sitting in DC’s Audi V10, and this blue Subaru STI comes flying out of a right entry lane, swerving all over the damn road to actually get in front of us. No self respecting cop in the USA would pull you over by getting in front of you at high speeds, but these Gendarme lunatics figure getting in front of you will get you attention. Sure as hell got my attention to see this Gendarme careening all over the road to get in the lead. Well, he did and he led us up a ramp and DC got out and smooth talked them to a cash fine. You heard me right! A cash fine, and off we went for about 5 miles at the speed limit, then I reminded him that I did bring over a Valentine 1 Radar Detector and a Bel STi-R remote radar detector for him to try out. Ooh La La said the Frenchman. A picture on the right shows one of the speeds at 273 KPH.

We plugged the V1 in and off we went. I had to rein in the ropes, since DC was thinking the Valentine One would help him with laser guns. I described how laser guns actually work and that a radar detector was not useful to protect against laser guns. I discussed our Blinder HP905 Quad and how it protects you from the laser guns, so DC is going to get set up with a Blinder HP905, may be an HP905 Triple in front and an HP905 Dual in the rear of his Audi Quattro. If they ever hit him with laser again, they just as well bite the big one, because those binocular laser guns will never get DC’s speed again. We never had time to set up the STi-R for DC. He was too damn fast. But DC, the STi-R is even better than the Valentine One. And let’s get an HP905 Quad installed to give you some added protection.

DC’s compatriot in Germany, Mad Maxx, also drives an Audi, but he likes the Audi S6 Quattro, which is a lighter weight version with the same V10 Turbocharged, unlimited speed freak. And both DC and Madd Maxx are thinking about the new Audi RS6, a really bad machine with 585+HP. As I said, they are thinking about it, as the cost is around 150K Euros. Do the math in dollars, boys and girls.

I visited a customer in Germany with Madd Maxx, and he must be the brother to DC. It was snowing and the road surface was a little wet, but Madd Maxx was cooking at 220KPH on the Autobahn.  Madd Maxx is also interested in the Blinder Hp905 Quad andBel STiR Plus Remote radar detector. Get the Best. Stay ahead of the Rest.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.


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