Speed Measurement Lab For 2007

SML 2007 El Paso TX.

Jun 24, 2007 – NIWOT, CO –

Stephanie was showing how to hold a laser gun to target the speed of our Mustang GT show car. Uh, Huh!
We met with an officer in the military who upgraded his GT Mustang to a Cobra engine and Cobra suspension
Here is a racing view of the Cobra modified GT.
Here is a side view of the Cobra modified GT. Both this Mustang and our GT, look almost identical, but the Cobra version is definitely faster!!!
A “Your Speed” sign. This is what you see in construction sites and suburbia locations where police want to slow traffic speed down.
A State Trooper pulling someone over
The SML car driving by
Speed Measurement Labs
Stephanie, a fine lady, shown with her police stance! Believe me, if she gave you a ticket, you would be glad.
Tiger Lily Products’ Mustang GT used at Speed Measurement Labs 2007
Carl Fors with a Laser Gun. Look closely and you can see the green reflection of the laser beam.
We test all the latest radar detectors by checking performance to and from Speed Measurement Labs, a 2000 mile test. It is easy to determine which has the best detection performance, as it always alerts first, and rarely offers false alerts. The Bel STi Driver is Best-in-Test radar Detector for 2007 and 2008.

Applied Technologies USA attended the annual radar detector test hosted by Speed Measurement Labs in El Paso, Texas on Jun 22 and 23. We drove down with our 2006 Mustang GT Fastback with a PRS4-STi installed. The PRS4-STi includes anM25 laser jammer and Bel STi Driver installed in the windshield, but hidden from view. The STi is 100 % undetectable from all police radar detector detectors. Also included in the PRS4-STi is the M45 Laser Jammer, newest laser jammer from Blinder, which replaces the previous M40. We had a new Valentine One radar detector, Passport 8500 X50, Passport 9500i and Bel STi Driver installed on the windshield as we drove down to El Paso. We wanted to see which radar detector provided the best detection performance, the fewest false alerts and the easiest to use as one is driving down the highway. We test radar detectors fresh out of the box for the following responses on long distance tests. We only offer the best performing products, so the below results are better than nearly all other radar detectors sold on the market.

1) Which detector alerts first?

2) Which detector detects best over the hill, around curves?

3) Which radar detector is easiest to change programming?

Which detector has the fewest false alerts?

Bel STi Driver 1500 Mile Highway Test

1) Consistently alerted first

2) Detected over the hill, around curves best

3) STi is 1st in highway program changes

4) Had lowest number of false alerts, as with Passport 9500i

5) Absolutely invisible to all RDD

Passport 9500i 1500 Mile Highway Test

1) Consistently alerted 2nd best with Valentine and 8500 X50

2) Detected over the hill, around curves good

3) 9500i is 3rd in program changes on the road

4) Equal low number of false alerts as STi

5) 3rd best at RDD invisibility, detected by RDD at 800 feet

Valentine One 1500 Mile Highway Test

1) Consistently alerted 2nd best with Valentine and 8500 X50 (It also alerted to rear radar and saved our butt)

2) Detected over the hill, around curves good

3) Valentine 1 is 4th best in program changes on the road

4) 2nd best in false alerts

5) 2nd best at RDD invisibility, detected at 150-500 feet

Passport 8500 X50 1500 Mile Highway Test

1) Consistently alerted 2nd best with Valentine

2) Detected over the hill, around curves good

3) 8500 X50 is equal to STi in program changes on the road

4) 2nd best in false alerts

5) 3rd best at RDD invisibility, detected by RDD at 800 feet

All in all the Bel STi Driver was clearly the #1 Best-in-Test radar detector for maximum performance. The Valentine One capability to detect to the rear is a superb feature, which gives the Valentien One the over all #2 Best-in-Test position.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.

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