Passive Products Tested by SML

Jun 28, 2005 – NIWOT, CO –

Let’s review some of the passive products tested by SML. Attowave of South Korea produces RMR products, such as the RMR-C450 Radar/Laser Scrambler. The product claims to scramble laser and radar (quoted from their WEB site, 5 July 2005): Scrambles All Radar Bands (X, K, Ka, SuperWide, Instant-On, Pulse) Scrambles All Lidar Guns (LTI 20-20, Pro-Laser, Laser-Lyte, Stalker) Speed Measurement Labs tested the C450 with 9 passes or radar and 9 passes of laser. At no time did the RMR-C450 jam the 3 different radar guns or the 3 different laser guns. Nada! Nothing! Nein! Do you understand the word “No”? SML has tested RMR products for the last 6 years or more, and to date SML has not confirmed a single jamming test result of any RMR product. There are a number of magazines, (Car and Driver, Road and Track, etc.) which have provided articles where the RMR products were evaluated, and again, no jamming results.

Tiger Lily Products has tested RMR products at SML, and it is the same story. We tested the new RMR Laser-Stik, another new product; but again the product did not prevent any laser gun from getting the vehicle speed from the two test points at 500 and 1000 feet. Amazing! We report the test results, yet people still buy passive products. The product claims indicate it can scramble radar and laser, but SML road tests can not show where this scrambling takes place. The FCC had sent a letter to RMR to stop sales of specific products several years ago. We have a standing offer that if you have a passive RMR radar/laser scrambler, which can pass an SML performance test, we will pay you for the cost of the test, pay you 10 times what you paid for the RMR scrambler, and post the results to our WEB site. On the other hand, if your passive radar/laser scrambler product can not pass the SML performance test, you have to pay all the expenses of Speed Measurement Labs and the personnel who will support the test, and our travel expenses. That is a value of $7,500.00. The money is put up by both parties in escrow to SML before the test, and whoever SML claims as the loser pays SML for the test, and the winner gets their money back. We are still waiting! After 5 years, there are still no takers?

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.


RMR C450: claims to scramble a variety of radar and laser. SML proves it can not meet its claims to scramble radar in the SML 2005 product performance tests, June 2005, El Paso, TX.

RMR C450: claims to scramble a variety of radar and laser. SML proves it can not meet its claims to scramble radar in the SML 2005 product performance tests, June 2005, El Paso, TX.

RMR Laser-Stik: claims to scramble a variety of laser. SML proves it can not meet its claims to scramble laser in the SML 2005 product performance tests, June 2005, El Paso, TX.

RMR Laser-Stik: claims to scramble a variety of laser. SML proves it can not meet its claims to scramble laser in the SML 2005 product performance tests, June 2005, El Paso, TX.

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