Radar Jammers: Where can I buy a radar jammer?

Feb 21, 2008 – NIWOT, CO
Radar jammers are illegal to sell or use in nearly every country, including all of the United States, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia and Europe. Producing, selling or using a radar jammer is a federal crime in the United States. We get a lot of calls from drivers looking for radar jammers, and our response is always the same: Radar jammers are illegal to sell and use, so no one is producing them or selling them.

Since radar jammers are illegal, what are your alternatives?

You have 2 choices:

1. Purchase a good radar detector and check your speed whenever police radar is detected. The Bel STi Driver radar detector is absolutely the best radar detector for drivers in the USA, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

If you are a driver in Europe, Eastern Canada or Eastern Australia, then you want the BEL STi-R, a custom install radar detector. If you live in France, Italy, Belgium and want the Valentine One radar detector, we will program the V1 for European radar frequencies and ship it to you.


2. In locations where police laser (LIDAR) is used, purchase a laser jammer. A Laser Jammer is legal in most of the USA and western Canada, western Australia and New Zealand. Laser jammers allow you to detect police laser and check your speed while “jamming” the laser gun until you turn the jammer off.

But whatever you do, don’t buy an RMR passive radar scrambler!

There are Passive Radar Scramblers being sold today, devices called “passive radar jammer, or passive radar scramblers.” We tested a box of these so-called radar jammers at the Rocky Mountain Denver Speedway when they were first introduced in the mid-1990s. We used a variety of K and Ka band radar guns on the 1/4 mile strip. None of the passive scramblers jammed any of the radar guns.

The problem with passive scramblers is that the scrambler is not a jammer, but a radio frequency (RF) reflector. Because the scrambler antenna is so small, it can not collect a large signal, thus the reflected signal is too weak to jam police radar (unless the policeman is sitting on your hood while you are driving down the highway).

Here is a great email we recently received asking whether passive scramblers can do what they claim:

From Y: I bought a Rocky Mountain Radar basic model detector with Laser Scrambling claimed. I got it at Radio Shack on sale. What is the truth to RMR claims of the Phantom or ? of its units actually jamming/scrambling actual radar, in any form? The list you have shows them as being worthless basically. I don’t even know how one would test the laser scrambling ability in my cheapie DLS 310. Much less how to tell if the pork radar guns are being scrambled. I know a little about radar. Any help is much appreciated. Y

My Reply: In the ten years I have been working with Speed Measurement Labs, in all the occasions we have tested passive scramblers and RMR laser jammers, no passive scrambler has ever jammed any radar gun or laser gun in any of the tests conducted by Speed Measurement Labs. AppliedTechnologiesUSA.com observed and participated in many of these tests and we never saw any radar jamming by passive radar scramblers or laser scramblers tested during SML tests.

A radar jammer called the Phantom RCD radar jammer was tested by a number of companies, including Speed Measurement Labs, and proved to jam both X and K band radar. A new product was introduced in 2004, called Scorpion Radar Jammer with X, K, Ka radar capabilities. It was not as effective as the original X/K Phantom RCD radar jammer. Regardless, the FCC shut down Scorpion Radar Technology for selling radar jammers. Here is the intro from the FCC letter:

This is an official CITATION, issued to d/b LM Services and Scorpion Jammer Technology (“Scorpion”) pursuant to Section 503(b)(5) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (“Act”) for marketing unauthorized radio frequency devices in the United States, specifically, the Scorpion “Ultimate” KA Jammer and Scorpion Jammer devices, in violation of Section 302(b) of the Act, and Section 2.803 of the Commission’s Rules (“Rules”).

Don’t waste your time or money trying to jam police radar; or worse yet, don’t get fined or jailed for using a radar jammer!Your only real option is to use the best radar detector and laser jammer available and check your speed as necessary

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.

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