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Feb 21, 2007 – NIWOT, CO –
Carlotti, has inquired on photo speed traps in Italy:
Good morning . In italy the police use a system called ” autovelox 102 ” and more type : the system work thru the twin laser beams aimed across the road , infrared . Do you have in your production a detector for this ? Yours Truly, Carlotti Carlotti:
The first is a true photo speed trap, easily defeated by the ProDB-4 Euro photoblocker. The ProDB detects the flash or infrared beam and just as the camera tries to image your license plate, the ProDB turns your plate completely white. MANUFACTURERS INFORMATION: AutoBox Smart – Roadside box for Autovelox speed camera Thanks to over 40 years of experience in speed enforcement, Sodi Scientifica is today able to offer the new Autobox Smart fixed speed camera site. It consists of a steel body with an exclusive triangular design, which combines compact weight and dimensions with improved resistance against vandalism, and may be anchored to the ground by means of tie rods.
Fixed speed camera installations have proven to be remarkably effective in road safety campaigns. AutoBox sites are typically placed near to road and highway accident hotspots. The automatic controls ensure optimum use of manpower, minimising labour-intensive activity whilst improving operator safety. Furthermore, ‘dummy’ camera installations in themselves provide a sense of constant supervision and an effective deterrent to speeding. Moreover, the measuring instruments and camera may be removed and refitted with minimum fuss. AutoBox can accommodate all current Autovelox products from Sodi Scientifica: the 104/C-2 with traditional still camera (maximum 800-photo capacity), the 105 SE with digital video camera and the 104/e. A flash and dedicated casing may also be installed to provide 24/7, round-the-clock performance.
Particular attention has been paid to ensure that the body of the new Autobox Smart camera installation delivers high resistance against atmospheric agents and vandalism. The housing is made of 3mm thick hot-rolled steel, reinforced with an additional 2mm thick outer casing. The single access door features a double bitted security lock protected by a stainless steel anti-intruder and anti-vandal system. The system is fitted with 10 chrome-plated closing bolts and a quadruple hinge with 10 mm. diameter pin.
The two portholes, one for the speed sensor and one for the still camera (or video camera), are fitted with 9,5mm thick shatterproof polycarbonate, as well as a special surface coating which enables easy removal of nitro-based spray paint, AutoBox is fitted with a twilight switch to automatically turn off the unit or activate a flash (if fitted) in the event of poor light. For use with the Autovelox 105SE, AutoBox also includes an air conditioning system which regulates temperature inside the installation.
It may be battery-powered (for 104/C-2 and 104/E), or mains-powered. Sodi Scientifica offers a turnkey service (instrumentation + camera housing + installation) in addition to a manufacturer’s guarantee covering the entire system. Carlotti: The 2nd unit below is a combination of laser timing beams across the road to determine speed. A camera then takes a picture based on the speed to acquire an image of the back of the vehicle. It would do no good to detect the laser, since the instance of detection is the instance of speed reading. The key word is camera. While the laser beams will determine speed, the system relies on a camera to take a picture. Again the ProDB would defeat it as it attempts to take a picture of the back of your vehicle. This unit uses infrared during the day and “optionally” a flash at night. The ProDB detects both! MANUFACTURERS INFORMATION:
The Autovelox® 104/e is a practical and effective solution for road vehicle speed measurement. The measurements employ a pair of harmless, undetectable class 1 laser beams, placed perpendicularly to the flow of traffic; breaking the beams in sequence results in a speed measurement and, in case of violation, activates the imaging equipment to register the image of the violating vehicle on magnetic tape. The system has the following principal components: Laser measurement system Colour videocamera unit, available in two versions: single videocamera for single carriageways dual videocamera for single/dual carriageways Control unit with QWERTY keyboard and integrated VCR, to provide registration of an image of violating vehicles and a single frame image including all identifying data Office-style video printer, colour or B/W. While providing higher quality results, the colour printer takes longer to print out the image, and is costlier both as a unit and in terms of consumables And, optionally, flash unit for night-time imaging and tripod All Autovelox systems are characterized by extreme ease of use.
Once installed, the unit operates automatically and, when necessary, under the supervision of an officer Thanks to its undetectable Bluetooth® wireless transmission, the entire unit requires only one cable for hookup For vehicle-mounted installation, the laser measurement unit mounts on the vehicle’s roof or hood on a magnetic base and without the need for cabling The videocamera unit has a completely automatic lens unit The vehicle-mounted unit fits in a single case with telescopic handle and wheels for ease of handling. To minimize the weight and size of the unit, the video printer is intended for office use, and automatically prints out all recorded images
Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker
Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectors, laser jammer, radar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.
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Autobox Photo Speed Trap is a true photo speed trap. | ||
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The is a Vascar based Laser/Photo Speed Trap. Laser is aimed across the road at 90 degrees. Whena vehicle trips the 1st beam, a timing clock is started. When the Vehicle crosses the 2nd beam, the clock stops, and the time is measured to determine speed. Do you remember your equations for speed from high school? Call me or email me if you do not. I will try to keep a straight face. When the laser device determines a spped indication, it triggers the camera, based on the speed of the vehicle, to take a picture of the back of your vehicle. | ||
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The ProDB-4 will protect your EURO license plate data from un-authorized pictures. |
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