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SHOP SECURELY ON AppliedTechnologiesUSA.com

This web site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.

All credit card orders utilize 256-Bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology for secure e-commerce transactions. 

Credit Card information is scrambled prior to being sent over the Internet to Authorize.net, the credit card approval and processing center. Encryption is a process by which a message or information is scrambled while it is in transit to and from www.AppliedTechnologiesUSA.com. It is based on a key that has two different parts, public and private. The public part of the key is distributed to those with whom you want to communicate. The private part is for the recipient’s use only.

Use a browser that allows encryption, and when you send personal information to Applied Technologies USA, our web site will use a public key to encrypt your credit card information. If your information were to be intercepted during the transmission, it is totolly scrambled and nearly impossible to decipher. Once we receive your encrypted credit card information, we use our security key to decode it.

We place your credit card info on systems behind secure firewalls, which are communication-management servers designed to keep information safe and inaccessible by anyone else, other than our staff.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.


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