Can Spectre RDD detect STi Magnum, Passport9500ci

Mar 04, 2008 – NIWOT, CO –

VG radar detector detector
Spectre IV can’t detect the Passport 9500ci remote radar detector
Spectre IV can’t detect the Escort Passport Redline radar detector
Spectre IV closeup view. The Spectre 4 attaches to the windshield using suction cups. But it can’t detect the Bel STi Driver or the Bel STi-R Remote radar detectors.

The new Spectre IV and IV+ radar detector detectors (RDD) have improved local oscillator detection sensitivity, which enables police to detect noisy radar detectors at greater distances. The Spectre IV+ has a unique control allowing the operator to better locate radar detectors in commercial vehicles in states and provinces where radar detectors are legal for private vehicles. Spectre iv and Spectre iii, VG4 is used in USA and Europe. VG2 is used in the USA, all versions of Stalcar, Spectre Mark IV+ is used in AU and NZ, while OPP Spectre is used in Canada. All of these RDD devices are designed to detect your radar detector by sensing the local oscillator frequency of the radar detector, but certain radar detectors are undetectable to RDD. The STi Magnunm and Escort Redline are totally invisible to all Spectre, Stalcar, OPP, VG2 and VG4. The Passport 9500ci radar laser jammer is also 100% invisible to all of these RDD tools. 

The STi-R Plus (used in USA, Canada and also in Europe for narrowband Ka photo radar), Passport 9500ci (used in US and Canada), STi Magnum (USA and Canada) and Escort Redline (USA and Canada) radar detectors can not be detected by any RDD including, but not limited to Spectre iv, Spectre Iv+, Spectre iii, Spectre ii, VG2, VG4, STalcar RDD used in AU, RCMP and OPP Spectre RDD in Canada.

The Spectre IV and IV+ locate radar detectors by detecting the electromagnetic (RF) “leakage” from the local oscillator frequency of the radar detector. Some manufacturers try to screen out the leakage with shielding; others try to adjust the leakage to a frequency that the Spectre isn’t sensitive to. So far, most radar detector manufacturers have failed and their products are easily detected by the Spectre IV; except for the Beltronics STi Magnum, STi-R Plus hidden radar detector and the Passport 9500ci remote radar detector.

Spectre 4 RDD (including Spectre iii, ii, VG2, VG4, Stalcar RDD and OPP Spectre in Canada) is quite effective at detecting nearly all other radar detectors including Valentine One, Valentine One Euro, many of the Bel and Escort radar detectors, Cobra and Whistler radar detectors.However, the above 4 radar detectors can not be detected by any RDD.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.

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