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Tiger Lily Products (TLP)
Aug 18, 2006 – NIWOT, CO –
Tiger Lily Products (TLP) is introducing a new installation concept for our customers. We find that many audio shops claim to install products, but rarely do we find installation shops that can provide the level of detail our customers wish to have access to. TLP will begin to provide a new capability of installation to any of our customers, who want to acquire superb countermeasures, that only we offer, superb, GPS, DVD and Audio systems.
We provide countermeasures and horsepower upgrades for our customer vehicles from around the country in Denver, Colorado. Yes, that’s right, from around the USA and Canada. There are two ways we are providing this new customer support. Our company happens to be located where many people wish to travel for vacation. We have skiing, rafting, hiking, golfing, fishing, mountain climbing, mountain biking, dirt biking… Have I missed anything? Oh yes, we have Spa’s that will knock your socks off, (your wife’s socks anyway).
Anyway you look at it, Colorado is a go-to state. If you have a vehicle that you want to trick out (superb Blinder laser jammers, photo speed trap alerts, hidden remote mounted radar detectors, voice alerts, GPS receivers, DVD, Sound systems), consider the following proposal. Drive out to Denver for a vacation. We will set up a rental vehicle (luxury car, sports car, SUV, HUMMER, pickup truck), set up a hotel in one of several 5 STAR hotels, give you a list of places you may want to visit, while we upgrade your vehicle with the very best products, at any level of customization you want. We can even upgrade your engine performance to increase your horsepower. We will quote the time and cost to upgrade what you wish to install, receive your vehicle, upgrade it, and have it ready on the day we specify; allowing you to enjoy a vacation, while we accomplish the performance improvements in your vehicle.
Drive home with the products you want to support your driving needs. But if you feel there is not enough time to drive out to Denver, then we will have a professional, insured hauler pick up your vehicle, bring it to Denver, upgrade your car, SUV or truck from the products we offer, and return it to your driveway, on time and to specification. We have had many customers express their interest in our installation capabilities, as they find local shops may install products, but do not pay attention to detail. We have a number of our products installed into our customers vehicles, and we guarantee our work and our products. You will get to review the complete installation by checking all product performance and the level of detail used fopr the installation.
If you want a standard install, where we simply place the displays and controls at convenient locations in the cockpit, we will adhere to your wishes. If you want the controls and products built into your vehicle, as if it came from the factory, we will provide this higher level of installation. We can also hide our countermeasure displays behind the dash, such that if anybody were to sit in the vehicle cockpit, they would not know what level of driving protection you have. Think of the level of detail that can be attained for your vehicle. BMW, Infinity, Escalade, Porsche, GT, Chevy.
Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker
Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectors, laser jammer, radar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.
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9 Second Racing, Denver, CO

Suburu STi installed with a hidden Bel RX75 Radar Detector. Notice the display is built into the dash. Not sitting on the dash or sterring column as with installers who think they know what they are doing.

Check out the M40 installation with 3 Blinder Laser Jammers in the front of this Mercedes R500.

Corvette installed with our exclusive V1 Remote to hide the displays from casual view, while profviding alerts to X, K, Ka radar, laser , Ku and narrow band Ka radar. The V1 Radar Detection module was installed behind the foam core bumper providing maximum detection to the front of the vehicle.

Corvette C6 installed with rear laser jammers, such that no laser gun can get the speed of the vette, but the products are nearly impossible to see from normal driving distances and eye heights.

A Ford GT40 installed with front RX75, remote, hidden radar detector. The displays were imbedded into the top center console, so that nobody would even know a radar detector was installed into the vehicle. The radar detector is hidden behind the front grille, completely out of site, but always detecting X, K and Ka radar from the police.
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