Valentine One and Blinder M45 in 1997 Ford F250

Sep 26, 2007 – NIWOT, CO –

F250 Power Stroke has 2 laser jammers installed upfront in the grille. Look Close. The two laser modules are part of an Blinder M45 with 2 front and 2 rear laser jammers.
The Ford F250 has two laser jammers installed either side of the plates and a photo jammer above the plate.
Check out the two Valentine One remote displays to the left of the dash display. The nice thing about the V1 Displays is that it actually points in the direction of the radar threat. Notice a Valentine sitting on the left dash for front radar.
A 2nd Valentine is installed at the top of the windshield for rear radar threats. He purchased this 2nd Valentine after purchasing a Passport 9500i and finding the Valentine was better at detecting hidden “over the hill” radar traps than the 9500i. In his words, “he dumped the 9500i” and bought a new Valentine One. We spoke to him and agreed the two best radar detectors in the world are the Bel STi and the Valentine One. The STi is actually better then the Valentine One and is 100% invisible to RDD, but the Valentine 1 has front and rear radar alerts.

Ford F250 Power Stroke installed with dual Valentine One radar detectors, M45 Laser Jammer and VF2 Photo Jammer. Applied Technologies, during the June 07 time frame, I called you for help on the installation of the laser jammers I purchased from you for my F250 truck. Since you did not have a Ford truck in the INSTALLS section of your web site, you asked if I would send pictures once I completed the install. The included CD contains the pictures of my 1997 Ford F250 Power Stroke Diesel pickup truck. I did the installation of all the countermeasures. In the front grill, there are two M40 laser jammer modules and in the front bumper, there are two more M25 laser jammers.

My state does not require a front license plate, so I installed a plain white plate on the front bumper between the two M25’s to give the bogey something to aim at. On the bottom of the rear bumper, there are two M40 laser jammers, so I have full protection front and rear using your M45 and M25 laser jammers. This truck is driven to construction sites, so I made enclosures out of diamond plate for the jammer modules to keep them from being damaged by road debris. The inside of the enclosures are painted black to camouflage the M40’s. There is a  photo jammer over the license plate. The top of the is covered by diamond plate to protect it from damage. Inside the cab, there are two Valentine1 radar detectors. One is located at the center top windshield by the rear view mirror and the other on the driver’s side dashboard.

There are two V1 remote displays located on the dashboard just above the turn signal lever to provide a one stop view of radar activity from both detectors. Since they are close to the speedometer, you can also view vehicle speed at the same glance. You ask, “Why two V1’s?” About six months ago, I had a V1 that failed resulting in a traffic ticket. I decided to purchase another detector in case one failed. To see what the competition had to offer, I purchased an Passport 9500i. After the V1 was repaired and reinstalled, I compared the two. In 99.9% of the radar situations, the V1 provided 3 to 10 seconds (on average) earlier warning than the Escort Passport 9500i. That’s when I dumped the Passport 9500i and purchased another Valentine One. TheValentine1 located in the top windshield provides superb rear radar detection. From the front, the one located on the dashboard in most cases does a better job. It’s interesting to compare the two. I am thinking about how to remote one of the Valentines to the outside of the vehicle, and will call to discuss with you on that subject. More to follow! Enjoy the pictures and thank you for the help with the laser jammers. Call to discuss the STi Driver radar detector for future consideration. It is superb! Thank You. JK in the USA

JK, very good work on the F250 and excellent feedback on product performance.

Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 309-681-5636 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control

STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker

Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectorslaser jammerradar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.

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