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Arizona Implementation
Arizona has implemented their new hidden, tax revenue, called Photo Radar Speed Traps. This is primarily in the major cities, such as Phoenix, Tuscon and surrounding cities. No police staff is needed in an automated photo speed trap. Some of these photo radar traps are mobile, installed into the backs of vans. During the month of February, it is an introduction phase, where warnings are being mailed. 1200 warnings were mailed out the first day in February 2006. At $150 + per ticket, that is $180,000 per day in fines. This was just in Phoenix, AZ area. Oh my! You people better cinch up your belt. These speed traps are going to be a cash cow, starting on March 1st, 2006, making potentially $50+ million of unbudgeted fines for the state of Arizona in the USA. You might be driving down the road with the flow of traffic, and maybe not even notice a flash from the front or rear of your vehicle. 3-5 days later, a letter arrives form the county, giving you a “Speeding Ticket in the Mail”. You never even knew it.
The picture was taken, emailed to a central processing office. The license plate was analyzed with alpha-numeric character recognition. The license plate registration was compared to a data base, and the vehicle owner was identified. A ticket was printed by a computer, and the monetary fine was based on the speed. All of this occured in a matter of 5 minutes, while the driver was on his/her way to their destination. Is this a method to slow speed in congested areas; or is it another way for the state and county to acquire unbudgeted funds with no true interest in protecting the public? A better question is “do those speeding tickets in the mail actually cause the traffic to slow down, or does it simply cause people to remember where the trap is”? It is an interesting conflict. Does the local traffic enforcement truly have the interest in reducing accidents? Do these hidden photo speed traps actually reduce accidents? I suspect they do not. The person, who causes an accident, is not observant of their driving or nearby drivers. The speed itself does not cause an accident. It is the lack of driving control that causes the accidents. Thus, one may conclude either the photo speed traps are installed on a what may be a weak conclusion, i.e., that it may reduce accidents; or the photo speed traps are being installed simply to increase revenue. I leave it to you drivers to make your own judgements!
Call 1st Radar Detectors in Canada at 250-324-8004 or in the USA at 720-635-3931 to discuss your requirements and we will figure out what what you need for your business or your vehicle, and find a US/Canada installer for you. Regards, John Turner
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad Laser Jammer, APC Power Control
STiR Plus, HP905 Quad, HP905 Dual and ProDB-2 Dual PhotoBlocker
Contact 1st radar Detectors at [email protected] to purchase a radar detectors, laser jammer, radar laser jammer; and a photo blocker on passenger cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and New Zealand.
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Photo Traps have the ability to measure your speed, and in some cases display that speed. The photograph occurs when the driver’s speed is greater than a pre-determined speed setting.

RedFlex Speed Camera installed at a major 4 way intersection in Fremont, CA.

The ProDB Photoblocker is designed for motorcycles. It detects the photo flash or infrared pulse of the camera and blinds the license plate, when the camera takes a picture.

The ProDB-2 Photoblocker is designed for cars, SUVs and trucks. It detects the photo flash or infrared pulse of the camera and blinds the license plate, when the camera takes a picture.

A mobile, Photo Speed Trap is typically installed into the back of a van with a radar gun used to detect speed. It triggers a high speed photograph of the front license plate or rear license plate of the vehicle.
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