A laser based, photo speed trap camera is aimed across the road at 22 – 25 degrees at the front of oncoming cars; or it is aimed at the rear of the vehicle at the same angle across the road. The laser beam is about 50 – 100 feet from the vehicle, when the car crosses the laser beam. While the laser jammer would detect the photo laser speed trap, the laser jamming is looking for laser to the front of the vehicle. Where is the camera position – left, right or above? Should one purchase a laser jammer or photo blocker to defeat a speed camera using a laser beam. If you aim your laser jammers to the left at 22 degrees and to the right at 22 degrees, your laser jammers will detect and defeat the laser beams of a photo speed camera, IF IT USES LASER to activate the speed camera. You would also need 2 additional laser jammers, aimed at 22degrees to the left and right on the rear of the vehicle? What if the camera is at 4 feet height or a typical 10-12 feet height with pole mounted speed cameras? Then the laser jammer may or may not jam the photo speed trap. If the photo speed trap was triggered by radar, then a laser jammer could not jam the photo radar gun, nor could a radar jammer, unless the laser or radar jammers is aimed at 22 degrees to the left and right of the vehicle! So, it is not feasible to use a laser jammer or radar jammer to defeat a photo speed camera. The only sure way to jam a laser based, photo speed trap or toll camera is to use an active Photo Blocker. The ProDB photo blocker bypasses the radar laser signals and reacts only to the speed camera photo flash, which is why the ProDB photo blocker should be used to defeat speed cameras.

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