When a laser gun paints your vehicle, it has already detected your speed when your radar/laser detector alert sounds the alarm. If you were speeding, the officer will make a decision to pull you over for a citation or to let you go. However, if you are operating a Blinder laser jammer, you have an extremely good opportunity to defeat the laser beam, and while your jammer is defeating the beam, you can carefully, wisely adjust your speed accordingly, then turn the laser jammer off; so that the laser gun can then detect your adjusted speed. The officer using the laser gun, may try to get your speed once or twice over a 3 second period of time, during which you are carefully adjusting your speed. Once the desired speed is achieved, let them detect your speed by shutting the jammer off. They will detect your legal speed at that time, and the speed will then be posted on their laser display. If you have a laser jammer, up until that point, the laser gun could not display your speed. Once you have driven through the laser trap, then you can turn your laser jammer back on. Yes, you could leave the jammer on during the entire encounter, but then if the officer can not read your speed at all, then he/she will be curious as to the situation and then may follow you and pull you over for some silly reason. Use a laser jammer wisely.

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