Speed Measurement Labs (SML) is an independent test lab which tests a large variety of radar, laser and photo radar products every year, to evaluate the performance of those products. SML tests each product to see if it meets its claims. SML does not identify who is specifically best in category, but their test methods are consistent. 1stRadarDetectors.com participates with SML every year on nearly all radar and laser tests performed, so we are able identify which products are best in each category by directly participating in and monitoring each test. With the help of the local law enforcement officials, we get to observe the latest police radar guns, police laser guns and other speed detection applications in action. So 1stRadarDetectors.com is always on top of the new radar and laser dangers being developed. In the field of radar detection, SML is predominantly known for testing the highway performance of radar guns, laser guns, radar/laser detectors, radar jammers, and laser jammers. Each company involved in testing must pay a fee to cover the costs of the comprehensive tests. The tests include 3 passes each, at distances of 600 feet, 1000 feet (where most activity occurs) 2000 feet, 5000 feet (for distance tests), and measure the performance of each product at X, K, Ka , Pop 3 K & Ka frequencies, plus police laser. In some cases, up to 30 passes are made depending on the features of each product. 3 passes each are used to confirm consistency of product response. Maximum distance, false noise, strength of signal at each frequency are major test points to determine radar detector performance. The majority of radar detector and radar jammer companies participate, as they want to offer to the buying public proof that their products are rated high by SML. However, some companies come away disappointed as their test results are obviously poor. Some companies, such as Rocky Mountain Radar, refuse to participate, although they have been invited numerous times.

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